「ACM-XCPC」Codeforces-Collection for March,2020

Solution for Codeforces Round#627~630

Posted by Culaccino on March 14, 2020

Round#627 div3


(特地为了这事换了个头像 害) 前1h一路a下来,后来cf官网和4个镜像全挂了再也没有上去过……大概是我的报应。这场最后两题都是dp……唔姆,我懂了我滚了(洛谷专题刷起来刷起来qwq

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Vova had a pretty weird sleeping schedule. There are h hours in a day. Vova will sleep exactly n times. The i-th time he will sleep exactly after ai hours from the time he woke up. You can assume that Vova woke up exactly at the beginning of this story (the initial time is 0). Each time Vova sleeps exactly one day (in other words, h hours).

Vova thinks that the 𝑖i-th sleeping time is good if he starts to sleep between hours l and r inclusive.

Vova can control himself and before the i-th time can choose between two options: go to sleep after ai hours or after ai−1 hours.

Your task is to say the maximum number of good sleeping times Vova can obtain if he acts optimally.





You are given a tree consisting of n vertices. A tree is a connected undirected graph with n−1 edges. Each vertex v of this tree has a color assigned to it (av=1 if the vertex v is white and 0 if the vertex v is black).

You have to solve the following problem for each vertex v: what is the maximum difference between the number of white and the number of black vertices you can obtain if you choose some subtree of the given tree that contains the vertex v? The subtree of the tree is the connected subgraph of the given tree. More formally, if you choose the subtree that contains cntw white vertices and cntb black vertices, you have to maximize cntw−cntb.





Round#628 div2

因为家里网的原因 比赛前一直上不去就没参加……(然后第二天把路由器搬到房间里来了果然舒服多了(x


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You are given a positive integer x. Find any such 2 positive integers a and b such that GCD(a,b)+LCM(a,b)=x. It’s guaranteed that the solution always exists. If there are several such pairs (a,b), you can output any of them.


对m的奇偶性分开讨论:①当m==2时,令x=1,y=1 (特判);②当m为奇数时,令x=1,y=m-1 ②当m为大于2的偶数时,令x=2,y=m-2;



Ehab has an array 𝑎 of length n. He has just enough free time to make a new array consisting of 𝑛 copies of the old array, written back-to-back. What will be the length of the new array’s longest increasing subsequence?

A sequence 𝑎a is a subsequence of an array b if a can be obtained from 𝑏 by deletion of several (possibly, zero or all) elements. The longest increasing subsequence of an array is the longest subsequence such that its elements are ordered in strictly increasing order.





You are given a tree consisting of 𝑛n nodes. You want to write some labels on the tree’s edges such that the following conditions hold:

  • Every label is an integer between 0 and n−2 inclusive.
  • All the written labels are distinct.
  • The largest value among 𝑀𝐸𝑋(𝑢,𝑣) over all pairs of nodes (𝑢,𝑣) is as small as possible.

Here, 𝑀𝐸𝑋(𝑢,𝑣) denotes the smallest non-negative integer that isn’t written on any edge on the unique simple path from node u to node v.







Given 2 integers u and v, find the shortest array such that bitwise-xor of its elements is u, and the sum of its elements is v.




③从v的角度出发,利用u,由于u^0=u, 而两个相同数做异或运算的结果即为0,即令x=(v-u)»1,则会有u^x^x==v,此种情况为3项。但由于当(v-u)为奇数时x失真,则此时考虑合并u^x为一项(有位运算分析可得u^x==(v+u)»1),x为另一项,则此时为2项。




Code Password: WorldFianl2020

Round#629 div3



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The round carousel consists of n figures of animals. Figures are numbered from 1 to n in order of the carousel moving. Thus, after the n-th figure the figure with the number 1 follows. Each figure has its own type — the type of the animal corresponding to this figure (the horse, the tiger and so on). The type of animal of the i-th figure equals ti.

You want to color each figure in one of the colors. You think that it’s boring if the carousel contains two different figures (with the distinct types of animals) going one right after another and colored in the same color.

Your task is to color the figures in such a way that the number of distinct colors used is the minimum possible and there are no figures of the different types going one right after another and colored in the same color. If you use exactly 𝑘k distinct colors, then the colors of figures should be denoted with integers from 1 to k.




①若是偶数个则直接 1 2 1 2 …… 2


​ a. 若第一个等于最后一个:1 2 1 2 …… 1

​ b. 若第一个不等于最后一个:

​ 若前面有连续的两个值相等,则:1 2 1 2 2(指相等的两个,也有可能是1 1) 1 …… 2

​ 反之则:1 2 1 2 ……2 3



You are given a rooted tree consisting of n vertices numbered from 1 to n. The root of the tree is a vertex number 1.

A tree is a connected undirected graph with n−1 edges.

You are given m queries. The i-th query consists of the set of ki distinct vertices vi[1],vi[2],…,vi[ki]. Your task is to say if there is a path from the root to some vertex u such that each of the given k vertices is either belongs to this path or has the distance 1 to some vertex of this path.




关于倍增,其实这是一个非常在算法中非常常用的思想,由于一个一个遍历太慢,所以利用每个数的二进制表示,并每次减掉2的幂次大小,使得寻找父结点的工作能够压缩至o(logn)内完成。这里令f[i][j]即表示第i个结点的第2^j个父结点,则有 \(f[i][j]=f[f[i][j-1]][j-1]\)





You are given the array a consisting of n elements and the integer k≤n.

You want to obtain at least k equal elements in the array a. In one move, you can make one of the following two operations:

  • Take one of the minimum elements of the array and increase its value by one (more formally, if the minimum value of a is mn then you choose such index i that ai=mn and set ai:=ai+1);
  • take one of the maximum elements of the array and decrease its value by one (more formally, if the maximum value of a is mx then you choose such index i that ai=mx and set ai:=ai−1).

Your task is to calculate the minimum number of moves required to obtain at least k equal elements in the array.













Round#630 div2

交了A题以后再也没有流畅的交过题 / 果然雨天晚上不适合打cf / 难得的两个小时半的比赛 被家里网演了俩小时是真的难受。

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Alice has a cute cat. To keep her cat fit, Alice wants to design an exercising walk for her cat!

Initially, Alice’s cat is located in a cell (𝑥,𝑦)(x,y) of an infinite grid. According to Alice’s theory, cat needs to move:

  • exactly a steps left: from (u,v) to (u−1,v);
  • exactly b steps right: from (u,v) to (u+1,v);
  • exactly c steps down: from (u,v) to (u,v−1);
  • exactly d steps up: from (u,v) to (u,v+1).

Note that the moves can be performed in an arbitrary order. For example, if the cat has to move 1 step left, 3 steps right and 2 steps down, then the walk right, down, left, right, right, down is valid.

Alice, however, is worrying that her cat might get lost if it moves far away from her. So she hopes that her cat is always in the area [𝑥1,𝑥2]×[y1,y2], i.e. for every cat’s position (u,v) of a walk x1≤u≤x2 and y1≤v≤y2 holds.

Also, note that the cat can visit the same cell multiple times.

Can you help Alice find out if there exists a walk satisfying her wishes?

Formally, the walk should contain exactly a+b+c+d unit moves (a to the left, b to the right, c to the down, d to the up). Alice can do the moves in any order. Her current position (u,v) should always satisfy the constraints: x1≤u≤x2, y1≤v≤y2. The staring point is (x,y).

You are required to answer t test cases independently.





A positive integer is called composite if it can be represented as a product of two positive integers, both greater than 1. For example, the following numbers are composite: 6, 4, 120, 27. The following numbers aren’t: 1, 2, 3, 17, 97.

Alice is given a sequence of n composite numbers a1,a2,…,an.

She wants to choose an integer m≤11 and color each element one of m colors from 11 to m so that:

  • for each color from 1 to m there is at least one element of this color;
  • each element is colored and colored exactly one color;
  • the greatest common divisor of any two elements that are colored the same color is greater than 1, i.e. gcd(ai,aj)>1 for each pair i,j if these elements are colored the same color.

Note that equal elements can be colored different colors — you just have to choose one of m colors for each of the indices from 1 to n.

Alice showed already that if all ai≤1000 then she can always solve the task by choosing some m≤11.

Help Alice to find the required coloring. Note that you don’t have to minimize or maximize the number of colors, you just have to find the solution with some 𝑚m from 1 to 11.






Word s of length n is called 𝑘k-complete if

  • s is a palindrome, i.e. si=sn+1−i for all 1≤i≤n;
  • s has a period of k, i.e. si=sk+i for all 1≤i≤n−k.

For example, “abaaba” is a 3-complete word, while “abccba” is not.

Bob is given a word s of length n consisting of only lowercase Latin letters and an integer k, such that n is divisible by k. He wants to convert s to any k-complete word.

To do this Bob can choose some i (1≤i≤n) and replace the letter at position i with some other lowercase Latin letter.

So now Bob wants to know the minimum number of letters he has to replace to convert s to any k-complete word.

Note that Bob can do zero changes if the word s is already k-complete.

You are required to answer t test cases independently.


t (1≤t≤1e5) — the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains two integers n and k (1≤k<n≤2e5, n is divisible by k).

The second line of each test case contains a word s of length n.

It is guaranteed that word s only contains lowercase Latin letters. And it is guaranteed that the sum of n over all test cases will not exceed 2e5.


至于等价类的存储,我比赛结束后马上敲了一份类合并时直接二维数组逐个更新的做法,然后T2了qwq 第二天用了并查集存下每个等价类的结构,最后一起另做计数。



Bob is playing a game named “Walk on Matrix”.

In this game, player is given an n×m matrix A=(ai,j), i.e. the element in the i-th row in the j-th column is ai,j. Initially, player is located at position (1,1) with score a1,1.

To reach the goal, position (n,m), player can move right or down, i.e. move from (x,y) to (x,y+1) or (x+1,y), as long as player is still on the matrix.

However, each move changes player’s score to the bitwise AND of the current score and the value at the position he moves to.

Bob can’t wait to find out the maximum score he can get using the tool he recently learnt — dynamic programming. Here is his algorithm for this problem.

However, he suddenly realize that the algorithm above fails to output the maximum score for some matrix A. Thus, for any given non-negative integer k, he wants to find out an n×m matrix A=(ai,j) such that

  • 1≤n,m≤500 (as Bob hates large matrix);
  • 0≤ai,j≤3e5 for all 1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m (as Bob hates large numbers);
  • the difference between the maximum score he can get and the output of his algorithm is exactly k.

It can be shown that for any given integer k such that 0≤k≤1e5, there exists a matrix satisfying the above constraints.

Please help him with it!


现给出整数k,让我们自己定义一个矩阵,使得最优解和Bob’s DP之间的差正好为k,且要注意定义的矩阵的规格和元素范围的限制。

思路:对于最终结果相差k直接构造:k&k==k, INF&k==0(这里可以INF=1«17,只需即不超过3e5又比1e5大即可);又需要构造出相应能够满足两种算法需求的前提元素,即可得到最终矩阵如下:

\[INF+k\ ,\ k\ ,\ 0\\ INF,INF+k, k\]
